A Barry-Wehmiller Company

Customer Experience Design Labs

Determining the right approach to experience can be much easier when you find ways to look at your customers with new eyes. Our expert facilitators use the lenses of behavioral science and gamification to lead your team through a co-creation experience.

Break Through Customer Challenges

Chapman & Co.’s Design Labs strengthen your empathic understanding of your customers by seeing the experience from their point of view. As a result, your business gains behavioral-science-based insights into why you might be struggling with customer engagement and loyalty. The Design Lab setting brings together a diverse group of leaders from across your organization to develop new perspectives and solutions that can be rapidly prototyped and piloted. And, because they helped create them, these leaders can easily become your strongest advocates for your new customer experience concepts and goals.

What is a Design Lab?

A lab is where experimentation and idea exploration take place. Chapman & Co. Customer Experience (CX) Design Labs provide a proven approach for examining the customer journey through new lenses. This Truly Human approach is designed to foster empathy for customers as the foundation for improving both CX needs and business outcomes.

Using tools and techniques from behavioral science, persuasive design, and gamification, we engage your leaders in a guided co-creation process to solve customer experience challenges. Labs introduce your team to new language, frameworks, and tools for understanding your business, exploring ideas, and creating new solutions.

Solve Real Customer Problems

Customers are human beings first. For that reason, understanding why customers do what they do is just as important as tracking and predicting what they do. It doesn’t matter if your business needs to completely rethink the possibilities for customer engagement across all channels or subtly tweak one aspect of your customer experience that has been a thorn in the side. Our lab is designed as part education, part ideation, and will equip your team with a new toolset that can be utilized moving forward to help your organization:

Identify the Problem

See Customer Issues Through Fresh Eyes

Co-Create Solutions to Drive Customer Satisfaction

Customer Experience Design Lab Offerings

Labs offer a fully facilitated co-creation experience that partners your team with our experts to design new ideas and potential solutions for various types of Customer Experience business challenges.

Humanizing Language Lab

Humanizing Language Lab

Equip leaders to be intentional in using “humanized” language to improve customer connection.

About This Tool

When companies are on a journey toward improving customer experience and deepening customer loyalty, they often recognize that their communication approach is not optimized for those goals. If the language you are using with customers -- and internally with your own team members -- is too transactional, overly reliant on jargon, or lacking in transparency, there is an opportunity to translate that into language that is more "TrulyHuman."

  • Learn how to identify and document non-humanized language
  • Apply a technique for prioritizing and evaluating the language that most needs work
  • Master the art and science of applying a “TrulyHuman” translation

Intended Audience: Leaders who have a responsibility for an organization’s customer service effectiveness. (Customer Service Managers, HR, Marketing, Sales)
Duration: Available as a 2 or 4-hour workshop

Deconstruction Lab

Deconstruction Lab

Analyze your current experience more deeply by breaking it down into its component parts in order to better reveal possibilities for something new and better.

About This Tool

One of the major challenges of improving customer experiences is moving past your own default assumptions in order to truly see what really needs to be fixed. Deconstructing an experience can be useful because it allows you to break down the experience into its individual components, which can then be analyzed and understood more thoroughly. By examining each aspect of the experience, you can gain insight into what worked well, what didn't work, and why certain emotions were evoked. This understanding can help you to improve future experiences by identifying and addressing areas that need improvement.

Additionally, deconstructing an experience can also help to identify patterns or themes that may be relevant to other experiences or areas of your life. Overall, deconstructing an experience allows for a deeper and more holistic understanding of it.

  • View current experiences through new eyes/lenses
  • Recognize aspects of the experience that need work
  • Identify aspects of the experience that should be reduced, removed, added or amplified
  • Understand the root causes of customer experience challenges
  • Activate greater empathy of customers and employees who engage in that experience

Intended Audience: Leaders who have any responsibility for an organization’s Customer or Employee Experience (CX or EX), 15-25 participants
Duration: Half-day or full-day in-person experience

Customer Experience Design Lab

Customer Experience Design Lab

Apply the lenses of behavioral science, persuasive design, and gamification to engage your leaders in a guided co-creation process to solve customer experience challenges.

About This Tool

Most businesses struggle with some form of customer engagement challenges, sometimes across the customer entire base, and sometimes only within specific segments. But coming up with new approaches for solving customer experience issues can be difficult. It is only human to tend to default to the status quo, and to try to solve current challenges using the same approaches that ultimately led to those problems occurring. In order to truly have a breakthrough, you need to look at the problem through new lenses that will help you see what you can’t see today.

  • Apply a new perspective to your current customer experience
  • Achieve a stronger empathetic understanding of your customers
  • Learn behavioral-science-based insights into why a business might be struggling with customer engagement and loyalty
  • Develop 3-5 new innovative customer experience solution concepts that can be rapidly prototyped and piloted
  • Collaborate with a team of diverse leaders from across your organization who can become advocates for your new customer experience concepts and goals

Intended Audience: Leaders who have any responsibility for an organization’s customer experience or loyalty strategy, 15-25 participants
Duration: Two consecutive half-day in-person sessions

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