A Barry-Wehmiller Company

Case Study: Spire Energy

Bring leaders together (virtually) to build understanding and relationships, and to deliver tools needed for right now

Spire Energy Case Study
  • 3500Team Members
  • $2B Public Utility Company
  • Fifth largest publicly traded natural gas company in the United States

The Opportunity

  • Build an understanding of new business data and direction
  • Impart new skills and deliver tools for these challenging times
  • Create open dialogue to build relationships

Our Approach

For Spire Energy, a $2 Billion public utility company, the annual gathering of leaders is a critical time to align and prepare people for the coming year. With pressures on the industry and a global pandemic converging on the business, the 2020 event was critical. — Yet bringing leaders together in person was impossible. Chapman & Co. is known to Spire Energy for designing leadership experiences but this time the ask was to create a virtual experience for 130 leaders, with the same impact as an in-person event. Chapman & Co. partnered with Spire to design a virtual event that:

  • Was a custom-designed virtual conference and facilitation for 130 leaders
  • Included interactive content focused on The Industry Now, Innovation for Now, and Leading Through Change
  • Built relationships through large and small group dialogue designed for collaboration and meaningful connections
  • Utilized software and activities designed to collect team members' thoughts and opinions anonymously

The Result

  • 79% of leaders chose “outstanding or very good” to describe their overall experience and expressed gratitude the event wasn’t canceled due to the Coronavirus
  • Based on a one-word description, “Connect, Energize, and Learn” were the loudest retreat themes from leaders
  • Of the Chapman & Co. designed and delivered content, an average of 90% of leaders rated the experience “impactful to extremely impactful”

Spire Inc.
Chapman & Co. infused humor, interactivity, and connection in a virtual setting like I've not seen before. Our discerning leaders gave the three-day event rave reviews and I agree. Because of this event, our leaders are energized and engaged around our way forward.
Jessica Willingham
Former Senior VP and Chief Communications & Marketing Officer